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PiRAT! | 3D STORYBOARD ANIMATIC by Schlunze | Blender

Proof of concept. I have done 3D Storyboard for a TV series lately. It went really well, as storyboarding in 3D is not only very efficient and fast - once you have the assets - but helps solving problems in a very early production stage as well. In a production pipeline layout and blocking is almost perfectly done in the storyboard stage. Staging the action in a 3D environment gives the storyboarder the absolute freedom of concentrating on action and timing! It is almost like staging a stage play.

I found out some producers are still reluctant to this new approach, because of an imperfect 3D look to it. So I tried to give it a more „classical storyboard animatic“ look.

Here is what I came up with.

Idea, design and storyboard…………Robert Schlunze
Music…………………………………………… Orchestra